Lagoa Santa has many cultural events, expressed in many different ways, literature, arts, music, performings and ludic.


In Minas Gerais, the Congado is linked to the legendary character of Chico-Rei, who was the founder, in the XVIII century, of the Nossa Senhora do Rosário Brotherhood, just like the church dedicated to the saint existent in Ouro Preto. Congado mixes elements of the black culture (dances, rhytm and african instruments) with representations inspired in the chatolic tradition (such as the simulation of fights between moors and catholics, in the medieval period and the heaving of the flags with the pictures of the saints devoted to the black culture, such as Santa Efigênia, São Benedito and Nossa Senhora do Rosário). Another important component of Congado is the coronation of the King and Queen (a performance about the legend of Chico-Rei), that are chosen between the actual active members. In Lagoa Santa there's only a single group of congado, the Moçambique de Santana, localized in Várzea's neighborhood.


The Candombe is a religious expression of black origin just like Congado and Moçambique, and its base is the worship to Nossa Senhora do Rosário. As the other manifestations, it has its origin in a mythic narrative, that has its variations according to the place where it's told, although the histories are really similar. There are two groups in the city: the Candombe of Nossa Senhora do Rosário of Várzea and the Candombe of Nossa Senhora do Rosário of Lapinha. Deactivated for around 30 years, the Candombe of Nossa Senhora do Rosário of Lapinha was reactivated and integrated to the Guard of Nossa Senhora do Rosário of the place in 2006.


In the christian tradition, the three - Gaspar, Melchior and Baltazar - left their homes in Christmas eve guided by the guiding star to take presents to Jesus Christ. Thus, in tribute to the Three Kings, the catholics realize the folia de reis, that starts in the 24th of December and lasts until the 06th, considered "dia de reis" (translated as day of kings, when the three kings gave their presents to Jesus). During the celebrations, the three kings visit the houses taking blessings to the baby Jesus. The habit is that the families welcome them and offer them money and food. Lagoa Santa has five Folia de Reis groups distributed around the city, just like the Folia de Reis of São Sebastião, of Campo Belo; Folia de Santos Reis, of the Várzea neighborhood, Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, Palmital and Santos Dumont.


According to the christian tradition, the Pastorinhas (the young shepherdess) celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, that happened at the night of 24 to 25 of December. According to the legend, in the 24 of December the shepherdess weren't able to gather the herd, and they got scattered around the field, until a shining star appeared in the sky, illuminating the meadow, and led the herd to the manger where the baby Jesus was born. Using music and dance, the Shepherdess started to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, giving birth to a tradition that is still celebrated in many societies of the catholic tradition. In Lagoa Santa, there are two Shepherdess groups, one of them is located in the Várzea neighborhood and another one is located in Lapinha district. The group is composed by angels, gypsies, shepherdess, the three kings, José and Maria and the musicians. Each one of the components represent an important character that is related to the birth of Jesus Christ, just like it's represented in the cribs. In 2010, The old group of the Shepherdess of Lapinha was restored. The current group has gypsies and instrumentalists, since it resumed the practices recently.

In Lagoa Santa, Boi da Manta was introduced to the community in the year of 1998, by Gercino Alves, frequenter of the Várzea neighborhood. Ineed, the Boi da Manta had other editions in the past, but in the nineties there was not a single practitioner in action. The celebration was introduced in carnaval eve and had an excelent acceptance of the local citizens. It was decided that Boi da Manta would go to the streets in saturdays of carnaval, generally at the afternoon, attracting the merrymakers. The Ox (Boi) walks around the streets in the urban area of Lagoa Santa, followed by the musicians (percurssionists and singers) and by the other characters. The songs are struturated in improvisation games: the percurssionists ask questions and the musicians answer them using songs. A burlesque aspect of the event, really appreciated by the community, is the performance of the women of the spree, because they run through the people, searching for their pretending husbands. The presentations of Boi da Manta do not happen only in February. Between May and June, the Ox usually goes out during the Divino's parties, just like in the party of São João.