The mayor Dr. Fernando participated, in this Monday, 04/07, of the ceremony in which the president Dilma Rouseff signed the contract of the concession of the Tancredo Neves International Airport in which the BH Airport consortium is going to operate.

Dr. Fernando was one of the members of the table of honor of the event. He gave a speech and thanked the presence of president Dilma that once again came to the State of Minas Gerais. According to the mayor, the northern vector is becoming a great development Center. “We are creating a new centrality and we have to make this in an inclusive way. The managers have the duty to ensure the structure of the health, social and education areas so that the resources that we have in the region are divided equally, benefitting all the residents”, he said.

President Dilma says that the airport sector evolved in a fast pace on the last year and that it’s necessary to create conditions so that this growth has as its main objective to provide the best public services as possible. “We have a great company in the airport sector, which is Infraero, and it’s creating partnerships with other companies so that they’re able to provide an improvement to this sector that had an amazing development”.

Dilma also talked about the Idea of the government of creating a regional trip network with structure and means to use the subsidies for its development.

Around R$ 3, 5 billions are being applied in the modernization and maintenance of the airport. The plan is to build a new landing strip, an expansion of the passenger terminal and of the aircraft space. At the end of the concession period, the terminal will have capacity to receive up to 43 million passengers a year.

The consortium that won the auction, BH Airport, composed by the CCR, Flughafen Müchen GmbH and Flughafen Zürich AG, companies with great airport administration experience, is going to realize in a gradual way the transition process of the management operations of the airport until the concessionaire takes on all of the management of the airport.

The President was also scheduled to participate in the graduation of the Pronatec students, in Belo Horizonte, and afterwards, the ceremony of the delivery of the machines from PAC 2, in Contagem city. Some of the people who were also in the event were the Social Well-Being Secretary, Stéfano Tavares, the Administrative Director, Ricardo Dutra, the Translago chief, Roberto Félix and the head of the Tourism and Culture Department, Dôra Alves.